Visiting the Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia 2025 offers numerous benefits, including:
Technology Transfer to the Asian Region, Especially Thailand: Gain valuable insights into technology trends and advancements, fostering knowledge transfer within the Asian region, with a particular focus on Thailand.
Incubation of PCB & PCBA within ASEAN Industries: Explore opportunities for incubating PCB and PCBA expertise with in the ASEAN industry.
Benefit from the knowledge and experience of industry experts through both online and offline seminars.
Enhancing Human Resources: Accelerate the learning curve for your workforce, enabling them to develop essential skills for the electronics industry.
A Holistic Understanding of Electronics: Electronics is at the core of all industries today. By attending, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how electronics interconnects with various sectors.
Stay Updated on Global Electronic Trends: Keep pace with the latest global electronic trends through the show platform. Stay ahead of the curve by larning about emerging technologies and industry developments.
Acces to Targeted Exhibitors: Connect with a carefully selected group of exhibitors to fulfill your business needs. This event provides a unique opportunity to network and engage with key players in the industry.
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Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia 2025
How to Effectively Build a Future Electronic Ecosystem
EH 99-100, Bitec
Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)
20-22 August 2025, 10:00-18:00
12,220 Sq,m
450 Companies

Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia 2025
How to Effectively Build a Future Electronic Ecosystem