The Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia (THECA), trade show focusing on the manufacturing and solutions of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly), marks a significant milestone. This event will unite international innovators, technology enthusiasts, and electronic circuit board manufacturers, showcasing their products and services during July 24 to 26, 2024, at Hall EH101, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangna, Bangkok Thailand.

The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), in collaboration with the Thailand Printed Circuit Association and the Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association, organized the Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia (THECA). The trade show aimed to highlight Thailand’s crucial role as a leading global hub for electronic circuit production. Key sponsors included the Digital Economy Promotion Agency, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, KCE Electronics PCL, Auromex Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

The electronics sector has played a pivotal role in the sustained growth of the Thai economy for over four decades. Notably, the segment involved in the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) stands out as a critical component, serving as the foundation for electronic devices. Moreover, it acts as a cornerstone industry, facilitating expansion into key sectors such as telecommunications, medical equipment, electric cars, robotics, automation, digital systems, computers, and smart appliances. The development of this industry is anticipated to play a pivotal role in Thailand’s transition to Industry 5.0, contributing to the establishment of an innovative and technologically advanced economic framework.

Concerning the solicitation of investment promotion in the production of printed circuit boards (PCB and PCBA) from November 2018 to November 2023, a total of 106 projects have been initiated, amounting to a cumulative investment value of 150,557 million baht. This substantial figure reflects the considerable confidence placed by major investors in selecting Thailand as their investment destination. Thailand stands out as a crucial production hub, evident in the sustained expansion of investments in PCB and PCBA manufacturing.

In order to establish Thailand as a preeminent global leader in the manufacturing and exportation of electronic circuit boards, the Board of Investment (BOI) is committed to fostering collaboration with pertinent stakeholders, including the Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA). Leveraging Thailand’s inherent strengths, which encompass robust infrastructure, a stable electrical system supported by ample clean energy, industrially equipped areas ready to facilitate investments, and a skilled workforce proficient in electronics, alongside a comprehensive supply chain and government incentives, the country stands out as an exceptional investment destination. These factors not only make Thailand an attractive prospect for investment but also position it favorably for expansion into upstream industries, such as wafer production and electronic design. This expansion also encompasses emerging products utilizing advanced technology, including a range of electronic components and smart electronic products. Consequently, THECA offers a significant opportunity to showcase Thailand’s potential and serves as a platform for international business discussions, with a focus on advancing the growth of the electronics sector and solidifying its status as a key global production hub.

Presently, the electronic circuit board industry in Thailand stands as a substantial sector, boasting a value exceeding 1.4 billion USD, equivalent to approximately 47 billion baht. There are ambitious projections for the industry’s growth. By the year 2025, it is anticipated to surge to 8 billion USD, roughly 270 billion baht. This remarkable expansion, nearly sixfold, is foreseen due to the implementation of over 30 additional investment projects in Thailand. The Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia (THECA) is seen as a catalyst in stimulating investments, creating business opportunities, and fostering the development of products and services to meet the demands of both the industrial sector and consumers. Furthermore, THECA is expected to contribute to the establishment of international industrial networks, leading to job creation, wealth generation, and overall economic growth for the nation.

As part of the trade show, THECA includes academic conferences and international workshops covering a diverse range of topics. These sessions are organized by the Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association (HKPCA) with a significant objective of fostering knowledge exchange, sharing research and development findings, and promoting innovation in smart manufacturing technology and artificial intelligence. The overarching aim is to establish a network of entrepreneurs within the electronic circuit board industry, fostering collaboration and creating innovations that are not only highly efficient but also valuable investments.

Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia 2024

Manufacturing & Solution of PCB+PCBA