The World Electronic Circuits Council is a strategic partnership formed in 1998 by the major trade organizations serving member companies in the global electronic circuits industry.
Its purpose is to increase the global influence and effectiveness of its member organizations for the benefit and improvement of the industry.
The organizations cooperate on standards, market research, marketing, resource development, environmental issues, world trade and economic/political affairs.
WECC comprises the following associations:
• China Printed Circuit Association (CPCA)
• European Institute of Printed Circuits (EIPC)
• Electronic Industries Association of India (ELCINA)
• Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association (HKPCA)
• IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
• Indian Printed Circuit Association (IPCA)
• Japan Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association (JPCA)
• Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA)
• Korea Printed Circuit Association (KPCA)
• Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA)
THPCA will strive to provide improved services for all WECC members with expanded cooperation to promote collaborative development and build join contribute and share benefits.
Thailand Electronics Circuit Asia 2025
How to Effectively Build a Future Electronic Ecosystem